In what cases is it applied? What are the differences from surgical chin aesthetics?The line gives men a more masculine, stronger look, and women a more sexy, more elegant facial expression. The jawline is a detail that complements and strengthens our facial aesthetics. In recent years, the beauty of the jaw has become more prominent and noticeable. This awareness put the jaw fillers and jawline correction procedures among the preferred cosmetic procedures so much so that the jawline most people prefer is called Hollywood jawline.
What does jawline mean?
The jawline, which means the lower jawline, gave its name to the cosmetic procedure to correct the jaw. This procedure makes the jawline more pronounced, gives the general appearance of the face the ideal triangular form and makes the chin look more pointed.
What are the aesthetic standards for jaw?
The ideal jawline has features such as a prominent line from chin to the ears, a pointed jaw tip according to the golden ratio, clear jowl and jaw junctions, and a jaw with sharp corners.
What are the types of jaw disorders?
The most common jaw disorder is a recessed chin and jaw or the ones with an asymmetrical structure compared to the rest of the face. Losing the contours of the jaw due to age, weakening of the jaw tissue, an excessive curvature of the jaw are other jaw problems. In addition, tissue losses and deformations caused by accidents or traumas cause common aesthetic problems due to jow deformity.
What are the effects of jawline procedures?
- It reduces the roundness of the face and gives it a triangular shape.
- It is used to eliminate the jowl problem.
- It holds the balance between the lips and the chin.
- It creates a lifting effect by tightening the cheeks.
What is the material used for the Jawline correction?
The most commonly used material for jaw fillers is hyaluronic acid-based material that is naturally found in our body and also preferred for other facial fillers. Plus, it is the fat taken by liposuction from the person’s own body or stem cell-supported fat.
How is it performed?
The fillers using hyaluronic acid-based material, like other facial fillers, is a painless, and short procedure in which anesthetic creams are applied before the procedure. In cases where fat injection or stem cell filling is preferred, the procedure involves longer stages.
In cases where fat fillers will be used, adipose tissue is taken by liposuction from the hip or abdomen. Afterward, this tissue is brought into the form to be injected into the face by the plastic surgeon who will perform the procedure, and then the procedure is finished. For fillings to be done by reproducing stem cells, the adipose tissue taken from the patient is sent to the stem cell laboratory approved by the Ministry of Health. It is then expected to reproduce for 3 to 6 weeks. When the desired number of cells is acquired, the filler can be used.
What expertise does jawline correction require?
While hyaluronic acid-based filling materials can be performed by a plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or aesthetic doctor, the other two procedures, adipose tissue, and stem cell fillers can only be done by plastic surgeons.
How long does the jawline correction last?
How long it will last depends on the filling methods. In hyaluronic acid fillers, the effect of the procedure lasts for 6 to 12 months, while adipose tissue fillers last for 2-3 years, and stem cell-supported fat injection lasts for 5 years.
When is it ok to return to social life following the procedure?
In hyaluronic acid-based procedures, the person can return to social life right after the procedure. The recovery period of the other two procedures is relatively long, which can take up to one or two weeks. This is because these methods can cause side effects such as edema and bruise.